Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Patriotism is Good for Kids

Hi, All,

I’m trying to get this blogging thing down.... My daughter (who set up and takes care of my blog) tells me that it’s sort of like an on-line journal–I should be writing my thoughts and giving you a chance to comment or respond to them. Since I already write a regular column for our weekly paper (and another paper in the western part of the state), I do get a chance to muse and even mumble about all sorts of things. And I have readers either clap or boo, so I guess I’ve been a blogger before blogging was cool

Now blogging is cool, but I still rely on somebody else to put up my thoughts (like my editors do)....

It’s July and a presidential election year, so I’m thinking about what it means to be a citizen of the United States of America.

At the risk of setting off a fire storm of unpleasant debate, I want to come right out and say that “Patriotism and allegiance to and love for country, are good for children–and adults.”

I think we have swung too far away from the ideals and truths upon which our country was founded. We’re in danger of losing what has been purchased by the best blood of 10 generations!

I’m saddened when I witness horrific, personal attacks coming from both ends of the political spectrum: “George Bush is a war-mongering mad man”, “John McCain is a shambling, vacillating fool with no personal values”, “Barrack O’bama is an immature racist with secret yearnings to turn the country over to terrorists”, “Hilary Clinton is a shrewish man-hater.” The list goes on and on, depending on who’s talking and his or her agenda.

Where in the world have “discussion,” “debate,” and “polite disagreement” gone to? At least we’re not shooting each other with actual bullets, ...not yet. But I’ve heard threats to bring criminal charges against the Bush administration, which means certain folks want to follow in the footsteps of Stalin, Hitler and others who jailed their political opponents when they gained enough power to do so.

I’ve witnessed, even in my own family, relationships ruptured, feelings hurt, and trenches dug which were almost too broad to be crossed. Why can’t people just state their points of view about religion, politics, local government, gas prices, etc, etc, and allow everyone else the same privilege?

Enough, already!! We’ve endured more than a year of political wrangling and we’re still four months away from the actual election. Let’s come together to celebrate, during our nation’s Birthday month, all that makes us unique and wonderful.

Of course, there are some moral absolutes; I’m not trying to promote “moral relativism.” I do believe that our God put us here on earth to learn to love, forgive, and serve one another, without blame, rancor, or judgement.

Join with me to tell the stories of heroism on the beaches at Normandy, in the jungles of Vietnam, and the desert sands of Iraq and Afghanistan. Let’s unite behind our sons and our daughters who have volunteered to put their lives on the line, no matter where they’re serving right now.

Every member of the armed services--reservist, active, or retired--deserves a handshake and a thank you, at the very least. If you’re in a position to lighten the financial burdens of a family left behind, then do so–either through a credible agency or directly.

The returning wounded face years of rehabilitation and may have to forgo cherished dreams forever because they left arms or legs on the battlefield. Sometimes, dying is easier than living with such realities. Again, let these soldiers know you appreciate their incredible sacrifice.

Proudly display your flag, every day. If you see military uniforms, point them out to your children; smile and say thank you. A few days ago, I witnessed a middle aged woman pay for the lunch of two young men in uniform. What a great example for her grandson who was with her!

What do you think we should do to honor our troops and veterans?

I know a lot of people are dead set against war of any sort, anywhere. I don’t like war either, but I’m hard-pressed to figure out what we do instead, especially when we’re attacked on our own soil or we see genocide going on and have the means to stop it. Technology being what it is, we can’t depend on an ocean to protect us, so withdrawing into ourselves won’t work.

Anyway, I’ve considered this topic in my column–and elicited claps and boos....

Until later....

Corrie Lynne

Do You Have Affluenza?

A terrible sickness has invaded our society. Its effects are more widespread than those of the common cold and cancer put together. While colds, viruses, and cancer afflict millions of people, they are usually unavoidable. The sickness I’m worried about is much worse than these illnesses because suffering from its effects is voluntary. There’s nothing mysterious about this illness and most people are rather proud of coming down with it.

Displaying their own cases of it, modern advertising firms tout the advantages of contracting “Affluenza” and bombard us with reasons why we must indulge ourselves with more and more material possessions. We are encouraged to buy a luxury car, trade up from a modest home, “rent to own” brand new furniture, and to buy a computer–last year’s is obsolete. In order to buy, buy, and buy, people dedicate their hearts and souls to building financial wealth. But in our eagerness to acquire big screen televisions, crystal chandeliers, and real silk underwear, we go way beyond providing for the necessities of life and forget our most precious, important responsibilities.

Mothers who stash their babies in daycare and rush back to work so the family can have a big house and fancy vacations deprive their children of basic needs. There just isn’t enough time in the day to do much more than be sure the kids are fed. And children who spend most of their waking hours in day care don’t get the nurturing a loving parent would give.

Now, before people begin to yell at me for being out of touch with modern society, let me assure those parents who must leave their babies because of serious illness, death, or divorce. A lot of the negative effects and lack of stimulation can be ameliorated by loving, consistent care givers. In fact, a really good care giver can be better than an apathetic, ill parent–one of the reasons for the Head Start programs. Sometimes parents are too poor or too uneducated, with no good parenting examples in their own live, to do much for their babies. But all of these situations are the exceptions rather than the norms.

The biggest problem babies and small children face today is parents with “affluenza” who spend their energies striving for material wealth, leaving little or nothing for their children. These people pursue high powered, stress-filled jobs which also impact their own mental health.
Or these people go to medical or law school, which demand every waking hour. Note, that I’m not condemning higher education or demanding professions; I just want to emphasize that one parent should be able to devote full time to the raising of the children–especially the very young children.

When a child is in school, the mother (or father if he is the primary care giver) can return to school or part time work, as long as the home stays intact and the child’s time at home is spent with a loving parent. I wrote a couple of columns last year about parents who patronized million dollar day care centers so they could give their kids “everything.” Thanks to my readers, I’ve since learned about wealthy working parents who engage the services of two or three nannies, so all their kids’ “needs will be met.” These people have nearly terminal cases of affluenza!

If you want to give your child everything, give him or her the full time attention of one parent, while the other earns the living. If you are a single parent of a child under three and are forced to work, consider taking help from your family, applying for social service programs, or accessing an appropriate social program run by your church.

As research into the developing brain proves, you are your children’s most important teacher. Your actions and attention, or lack of same, determine their future.

But don’t take my word for it–sincerely ask that Power on High what you should do and listen to the answer. You will be led to do what is best for your family and you. I know, because I’ve watched countless parents and children heal and thrive when they put their trust where it belongs.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Daughter's Family

Here's some pictures of my grandchildren-the Roy family (My daughter-Dolly's children)...
Cameron, Nick, Dakota, Madeline and Jaden is the "baby". The top left picture is of their adoption day in court- for son, Jaden. The handsome guy in the graduation picture is Dolly and Roland's eldest son, Cameron. The other pictures of Dolly with children, are adorable foster children she's had in her home. She has been fostering children for several years in Utah.